Training courses

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s (SDCs) Global Programme Climate Change and Environment (GP CCE) India is supporting the operationalization of climate change adaptation actions in the mountain states of Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh through the phase two of the “Strengthening State Strategies for Climate Action” (3SCA) project that was launched in 2020. Within this framework SDC has granted a project to FutureWater, together with Utrecht University, The Energy and Resources Institute, the University of Geneva and a few individual experts. The activities in this project focus on the development and application of climate responsive models and approaches for integrated water resources management (IWRM) for a selected glacier-fed sub-basin system in Uttarakhand and that at the same will find place in relevant policy frameworks paving way for their replication across the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) and other mountainous regions.

This online training was provided over a period of 8 weeks for 25 participants selected by NARC (National Agricultural Research Centre) Jordan. The online training consisted of self-paced exercises and regular live (video) sessions provided through the OpenCourseWare website of IHE Delft. The four modules provided in this training will be both practical and technical with information on how to set up a drone unit (including selection of equipment and operational management), hands-on imagery processing, and advisory services to farmers.

The main objective is to enhance the capacity of DWIR staff in using innovative data and tools to analyze water resources and support water management. The training is organized with a very practical approach and strongly built upon the ‘learning-by-doing’ principles. Participants use freely accessible satellite-derived data to gain insight in and knowledge of the hydrological system and surface water bodies. The training allows DWIR to embed Google Earth Engine in their decision-making processes. Unique about this training is the focus on DWIR regional-level offices, which have limited capacity in working with these data and tools.

FutureWater will provide a Tailor Made Training to water professionals at the Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) on Water Allocation Modeling and Remote Sensing Analysis. About 20 participants of the RWB are thought to work with the Water Evaluation And Planning model WEAP and the Remote Sensing platform of Google Earth Engine (GEE), state of the art technologies that are excellent for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). With improved knowledge on these tools, the professionals of RWB are able to better quantify current and future impacts on the water resources of Rwanda and thus improve the quality of their advise to their stakeholders.

This course on hydrology and water allocation modelling is organized for the Kenya Water Resources Authority (WRA) and funded by the Blue Deal program of the Netherlands. The first four-week course block introduces the participants to the main concepts in hydrology, hydrological modelling and data collection, including remote sensing. Exercises are provided on water balances, land use datasets, extraction of rainfall data from remote sensing datasets, among others. The 5-week second block of the training is on the use of a water resources system model (WEAP) for water allocation. Participants will learn how to develop, run and evaluate a model, including scenario analysis, water balances, assess impact of changing priorities among users, and impacts on water shortage.


Client: RVO

FutureWater, HiView and ThirdEye Kenya have partnered with Egerton University (Crops, Horticulture & Soils Department) to conduct a tailor-made training on ‘Crop models and remote sensing for water management in agricultural systems’. This training project is funded by the NUFFIC – TMT program.

Hydropower production in Indonesia is the main renewable energy source in the country. There is a potential to double the capacity by building new hydropower plants and to optimize current plants. PLN is the main hydropower company in the country. The project aims at enhancing the capacity of its staff by developing an eLearning package on hydrology and climate change in the context of hydropower.

The assignment supports the newly established Inle Lake Management Authority (ILMA) by developing up-to-date, spatial datasets, which are to be included in the ILMA geodatabase. More specifically, the existing Inle Lake MAB boundary and zoning are confirmed and updated. Maps of land-use and different ecosystem services are produced and validated in close consultation with stakeholders. In addition, the development of communications and educational materials is supported, and key government staff is trained on ecosystem services mapping.

The PROMAC II project is an ongoing project of NCBA Clusa introducing conservation farming practices to various locations in the Manica, Tete and Zambezia provinces, with the objective to increase agricultural productivity. This project incorporates flying sensor activities in the PROMAC II project as a M&E indicator of the practices and as an innovative technology for providing technical staff with spatial information on crop development. Flying sensor imagery can provide data at regular intervals with high spatial resolution and an additional camera for vegetation stress detection. This information is used to analyze the productivity of selected areas. Flying Sensor technology will be used to support the PROMAC II project with data collection on crop development and comparative analysis between areas with traditional practices vs. conservation agriculture practices.

This tailor-made training enhanced capacity of Yangon Technological University (YTU) educational staff in using Google Earth Engine to analyse water resources and support water management. Technical staff of Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) and the Department of Water resources and Improvement of River systems (DWIR) also participated to gain advanced skills in working with satellite-derived data to support flood monitoring and risk mitigation, water efficiency improvements to enhance food security, and drought monitoring.

Training courses

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In response to the pressing global challenges related to water, agriculture and ecosystem services, the availability of data and tools to support decision makers in these fields has grown rapidly in recent years. Public agencies, NGOs and researchers therefore need to continuously develop their capacity to make optimal use of these resources. To support our partners in successfully achieving their goals, the FutureWater Academy offers a range of training courses on the latest tools for addressing water-related knowledge gaps. Courses are offered remotely, on location, as well as in hybrid modes, and can be organized from a few days up to several months. 


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