Training courses

The overall project objective is to compile an inventory of agricultural field interventions and develop a training package to evaluate Real Water Savings from irrigated fields, to systems and basins. A guidance document is developed for agricultural field interventions by compiling a literature database containing published experiences and results of various interventions. Impacts on water savings and crop yields are summarized in this inventory and translated into the guidance document. The training package includes a user-friendly Real Water Savings evaluation tool, a comprehensive manual, case study applications and a link with the inventory compiled in the guidance document. Training workshops will be conducted, aiming participants from target countries (e.g. Nepal and Vietnam) and aligning with existing FAO work in Asia. Feedback from the training will be used to update and refine the training package. The training package will be set-up so that it can be used independently, including clear examples, questions and answers, and do-it-yourself guidance.

This training was attended by sixteen researchers (seven female and nine male) from IOF, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (CDHM), Department of Forests and Soil Conservation and the Institute of Engineering (IOE). The overall objective of this training was to ensure the use of open source data in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform to assess the hydrological regime of data sparse regions in Nepal. The participants used freely available geospatial images to make a landuse map of their region of interest using the GEE platform. Further, they used these landuse maps to understand the changes to the hydrological regime of their region using the SPHY hydrological model, developed by FutureWater. The SPHY model can be applied by a wider range of experts with basic hydrological and computer skills, through user interfaces, including a data preprocessing tool. Moreover, the participants were able to extract and process the projected future precipitation and temperature data using KNMI Climate Explorer. Participants used the delta change method to create the future climate change scenarios. They were able to use the future projected climate data with the SPHY model to assess the climate change impacts on the hydrological regime for their region of interest.

The project has as its overall aim to increase climate resilient agricultural productivity and food security, with a specific objective to increase the water productivity and profitability of smallholder farmers in Mozambique, prioritizing small (family sector) farmers to increase food and nutritional security. This project will demonstrate what the best combinations are of adoption strategies and technological packages, with the largest overall impact in terms of Water Productivity, both at the plot-level, sub-basin as well as basin-level. The main role of FutureWater is monitoring water productivity in target areas (both spatial and seasonal/annual variation) using Flying Sensors in combination with a water productivity simulation model and field observations.

The project “Knowledge-to-Knowledge” (K2K), aims to strengthen and enhance the capacity of the main Angolan knowledge institutions in agricultural sciences, to establish a strong relate between knowledge and practice. FutureWater collaborates with Wageningen University on giving a training on remote sensing and GIS techniques in agricultural applications and services to the staff of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FCA) of the José Eduardo dos Santos de Huambo University (UJES).

A Tailor-Made Training on Water Resources Modelling was required to equip the staff of the water agencies in Mozambique (ARAs) with additional knowledge to have a stronger advisory role towards policy and decision makers, and people living in the area. FutureWater provided this training to ARA-Sul and ARA-Norte. This training was funded by NUFFIC’s Tailor-Made Training Programme (TMT), which is part of the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP), and is specifically meant to enhance the overall functioning of an organization by training a selected group of its staff members. The training covered theory on hydrological modelling concepts and on data requirements, data quality and data availability in data scarce environments. Furthermore the training consisted of exercises to practice the use of GIS software and to set up and apply a Water Resources Model.

Two water allocation models were developed in this project as a tool to support policy evaluation and improve strategic and operational decision making procedures of ARA-Sul. WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) was chosen as modelling framework. Different scenarios were implemented in WEAP to show the impacts of possible changes and the effects of possible adaptation measures. The ARA-Sul staff was actively involved in the project during several distance training sessions and a training mission in Mozambique.

The World Bank has assigned Deltares and its partners AECOM India and FutureWater to carry out the project ”Analytical Work and Technical Assistance to support Strategic Basin Planning for Ganga River Basin in India”. The key objectives of this project are (i) Significantly strengthen the capability of relevant central and state government agencies to undertake comprehensive evidence-based strategic basin planning for the Ganga River basin, (ii) develop, document and disseminate a set of plausible scenarios that balance improving the health of the river and maintaining an acceptable level of economic productivity (iii) Build stronger and more accessible information and knowledge base to guide on-going dialogue around and management of the Ganga River basin; (iv) Establish on-going multi-stakeholder engagement processes in the basin to support strategic basin planning.

A Tailor-Made Training was provided to three ARAs in Mozambique, being ARA-Centro (Beira), ARA-Centro-Norte (Nampula), and ARA-Norte (Pemba). The provided Tailor-Made Training focused on learning to work with a Water Resources and Water Allocation Model, and apply them to a catchment in Mozambique. Emphasis was put on how these tools can be integrated in the decision making process of the ARAs.

Two water allocation models were developed in this project as a tool to support policy evaluation and improve strategic and operational decision making procedures of ARA-Sul, which is one of the five water management organizations in Mozambique. WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) was chosen as modelling framework. Different scenarios were implemented in WEAP to show the impacts of possible changes and the effects of possible adaptation measures. In order to interactively teach the ARA-Sul staff to apply and extend the developed models, several training missions were undertaken.

This study contributes to the agriculture sector climate change impact assessment and adaptation and mitigation strategy identification and evaluation. The study encompasses the three countries of the Southern Caucasus region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The project also includes components for capacity building among in-country staff, and support of the World Bank team’s awareness raising, communication, and dissemination goals for climate change.

Training courses

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In response to the pressing global challenges related to water, agriculture and ecosystem services, the availability of data and tools to support decision makers in these fields has grown rapidly in recent years. Public agencies, NGOs and researchers therefore need to continuously develop their capacity to make optimal use of these resources. To support our partners in successfully achieving their goals, the FutureWater Academy offers a range of training courses on the latest tools for addressing water-related knowledge gaps. Courses are offered remotely, on location, as well as in hybrid modes, and can be organized from a few days up to several months. 


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